About Us
Redefining Accessibility in Market Access
Manufacturers offering in vitro diagnostic (IVD) technologies such as next-generation sequencing (NGS)
or Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) automated molecular platforms, research use only (RUO) materials,
and FDA 510(k) cleared or approved test kits frequently receive inquiries surrounding the coverage,
coding and reimbursement of their products. Unfortunately, many of these companies have limited
internal expertise regarding potential payment pathways and struggle to provide meaningful information.
Reimbursement Hub offers a comprehensive online solution, providing relevant information to
automated molecular platform technologies, ‘kitted’ FDA 510(k) cleared IVD tests, and Research Use
Only (RUO) product stakeholders.
Prospective platform, IVD, or RUO clients seek information on the coverage, coding and reimbursement
landscape when evaluating the adoption of these products. There is an expectation manufacturers
provide some information on the reimbursement landscape associated with their molecular platform or
test. Hard-copy billing brochures outlining CPT codes, or ‘static’ web-based information fails in many
ways to provide robust information.
Reimbursement Hub goes well beyond traditional offerings by providing not only relevant test coding /
reimbursement information, but an analysis of select payor medical coverage decisions, links to relevant
LCD's / commercial medical policies, professional medical society guidelines, and self-directed customer
resources (e.g., denied claims appeal information, AMA CPT® code submission info, etc.).

Coding is a clinical decision and should be to the highest level of specificity. Any examples are provided for informational purposes only. Information is subject to change; contact the appropriate payor for specific current coverage and coding guidance. Individual patient billing will vary based on multiple factors and determination of coverage, coding, or reimbursement is not implied. Coverage, deductible, coinsurance, and copay is based upon payor/plan specifics and/or payor contracts. CPT® codes and descriptions are copyright of the American Medical Association. CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association (AMA). All rights reserved. Any analysis is not meant to be a complete representation of all potential complex scenarios, it is based on Reimbursement Hub’s understanding of the current landscape and derived from content sources deemed reliable. Reimbursement Hub does not represent the information to be complete or accurate and should not be interpreted as such. Final company decisions should be based on expert legal, regulatory, and financial counsel.
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